Medevial's Traumzeit-Tarot ®
The Secrets of the rising Soul


Oracle Verse:

Known or unknown,
you can't escape the universal law.
Clever people think to take the smooth way
in the middle,
but the intensive and instructive experiences
right and left of diplomacy,
the sweet smell of the leaves near the abyss,
this they will never feel.


"08 - Karma / Justice"

Keywords: law, justice, balance, karma, center, the middle way

Astrology: Libra

Story: "The Justice" (i call it "Karma" because that's the universal law) reminds you to find your way and try to go it without extremes. That what you put at the one side of the libra will automaticly force the opportunity at the other side. Only if you are in balance you will move directly forwards and reach your goal much earlier, as if you jump from one side to the other.
Of course life is complex and the ways are not straight, but getting this card in a reading you are remembered to think about your art of going your way. Maybe it could be much more stressless and with more success, if you avoid extremes.
In the reality this card appears often when having any trouble with universal justice in your mind or real life. Think about it what happens and why it happens. It's only you who's the master of your life and fate, - nobody else!

(Sorry if my translation isn't really perfect, you're invited to correct my words)

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