Medevial's Traumzeit-Tarot ®
The Secrets of the rising Soul


Oracle Verse:

The end of the 2nd phase of life notes you the theme of death.
Never before you was so sure, that final you've to leave behind your past and your naive objective view of life.
The still possible future, the old age, will include forever now a bitter unpleasant taste of "be able to forget".
The last 3rd of your being will now be offset by the karmic law against the 2nd weight of your past.


"13 - The Death"

Keywords: leave from, don't behold in

Astrology: Scorpio

Story: "The Death" is the card which makes everybody fear. Also people with esoteric practice will have a bad feeling if this card appears in a reading, even if they know and tell that it's not really bad. The basicly meaning of this card isn't the physical death, it means that an experience time comes to it's end, but slowly! Processes like this happens several times in our live. Maybe you change your home, you change your job, you become older and wise so that you loose your naive views and feelings of whatever, - all this situations are a little symbolic death in your life.
The physical death is only an absolute perfect symbolic description of this situations, because it reminds you that this what you have to leave has no longer any real value in your life, it's only a past experience of your immortal soul. Of course, because we can't see the future after the death, we are in fear. It's the life's basic to behold what seems sure and to fear what we don't know. The imagination that there will be nothing seems as a great danger, but we know by experience that life goes on in any way and new experiences will be born first when we are free from our old mind.  

(Sorry if my translation isn't really perfect, you're invited to correct my words)

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