Oracle Verse:
In a moment of silence
you feel as if you listen a voice from nowhere.
Not from behind, not from before and not beside you.
The voice seems to have been here since all times,
well maybe without be heared, but in fact a part of yourself.
From now on the voice will escort you at all ways.
Listen very well, what's telling to you.

"II -
The Highpriestress"
Keywords: Intuition, the inner voice,
feelings, timeless experience
Astrology: The Moon
Story: "II - The Highpriestress"
is the opportunity of the intellect. That doesn't mean that there may be
in any way a fight between intellect and intuition, it means that she is
the till now missed part. Like a woman belongs to a man, the
Highpriestress belongs to the Magician. She's nothing without him, and
he's nobody without her. First when this both come together, something can
happen and become realized in the reality. That what will happen, you'll
see in the the next following card.
While the Magician has the glory idea and fantasy, the Highpriestress has
the spiritual breath. By her the idea of possibility becomes a soul and
since this moment the idea can't be loosen in the wind.
(Sorry if my translation isn't really perfect, you're invited to correct
my words)