Oracle Verse:
You feel the new power
in yourself mature and awaken and you know:
If you're carefully now, if you bound your will and your skills in
if you grant the neccessary time for the evolution,
- so doors will open which grant a great future in a fertile land and
Be carefully with this awaken might!

"03 -
The Empress"
Keywords: mother, take care for ...,
emotions, feelings
Story: "The Empress" is the
great mother. She takes care and grants for our future being with her
whole mind and body. While "The Magician" and "The Highpriestress" are
individuals which are focussed at their own belongings, "The Empress" is
focussed at the belongings of the evolution in the majority, or in the
further existance of the family in the minority. To understand the meaning
of this card you only have to think about how a typical mother will handle
and fight for her children, if they are still born or not. In this mind
she has taken off all egoism and her whole being is reserved for the great
plan of life. She's a leading person, but she rules with feelings and
senses. In all belongings the card "The Empress" tells that something new
is coming up, but you have to take care for it to grant a well atmosphere
for the maximum of evolution.
(Sorry if my translation isn't really perfect, you're invited to correct
my words)